Tourist Tips
Novosad and son glassworksis the second oldestprivately owned glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was founded before 1712 in the Jilemnice estate of Count Harrach. It has preserved the traditional method of production.
The Glass Museum is part of the glassworks. It houses a historically and technologically comprehensive collection of historical glasswares from the Harrachov glassworks.
The microbrewery and restaurant were constructed in 2002, directly inside the glassworks premises, next to the main metallurgical hall of the glass factory. The glass manufacturing can be viewed through a window from the restaurant itself. Comfortable heating can be experienced by going from the restaurant to a gallery above red-hot furnaces, where visitors can feel the pleasant warm.
Traditional for the Great Mountains - glassmaking - forestry activities - mines - artefacts from the past - ski development (universal, cross-country skiing, jumps) - mock-up of a giant bridge - sports awards won by Czech athletes.
The Mining Museum and viewing tunnel were opened in March 2003 in the former drift platform. There are samples of minerals and fluorite deposits, tools and equipment used in mining, plus maps and also photographs documenting the work at the local deposit. The sightseeing gallery is about 1000 m long, showing a typical environment in an illuminated ore mine withunloaded crushed gravel, the average annual temperature is 10-12 ° C (visitors are advised to wear warm clothing). Visitors are givena helmet and jacket and in addition see the complete hoist, mine cars, rechargeable locomotive, mining loader, etc. The guided tour takes about one hour and visitors can learn about the work at the now decommissioned ore mines.
The river Mumlava is in a valley approximately 1.5 km from Harrachov and has a waterfall of about 10 m high. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful and the biggest waterfalls in the Czech Republic. Just a few meters upstream due to erosion you can also find an interesting phenomenon - the so-called ‘giant boilers’ (giant pots) - boulders and rock plates with "bowls" that push the stream current further.
The exhibition is located in a granite building called‘Šindelka’. Shingle roofing was produced there since the early 19th century up until the 1930s. The last 60,000 shingles produced in 1934 were used on the old Elbe shed. The forestry exhibition is located on the ground floor and acquaints visitors with forestry issues, from the extraction of trunkson paths and removal for further processing to subsequent reforestation and care.
The only cog railway in the Czech Republic represents a unique cultural and technical monument. Trains on this line once went over elevations of several hundred meters at the steepest section from Tanvald to Kořenov therefore uses the cog. Few railways can boast as many "firsts" as the Jizera Mountain-Great Mountains railway line Tanvald - Harrachov, which can be found in the timetable under the number 035. What’s maybe the mostinteresting thing is that it not has only a unique design, but also its rich history. It became a regular destination for many admirers of railways and technical monuments from all over Europe and in 1992 the section Tanvald - Kořenovwas declared a cultural monument by the Ministry of Culture.